March, 2023


3h 15m

---------------------[Playing on 'Normal Mode']--------------------

Progressed through Magmoor Caverns and reached the Phendrana Drifts; obtained the boost ball then backtracked back to the ship to acquire the Space Jump. I imagine backtracking will become a more common occurrence, but going back did allow me to explore the Artifact Temple and I collected another Chozo Artifact on my return trip through Magmoor.

I got stumped for a bit until I realized I had blow up the Shaman Chozo head with a missile. The ensuing boss fight (?) wasn't tough and got the Wave Beam. Though my feelings of dominance were subsequently tarnished upon arriving at the Space Pirate Laboratory. Difficulty just raised up a notch and I even died after getting the Thermal Visor so next time I'll need to repeat that entire section again.

Unsurprisingly the Space Pirates are infusing Metroids & even themselves with Phazon; I don't see how anything could go wrong here!

I did a little research as to find out if I missed anything thus far and in turns I didn't scan the 'Hive Mecha' so a 2nd playthrough already seems likely.